Modern Adventuress

A weekly email letter by Jen Myers

On 2015

28 December 2015

One of the cornerstones of my life philosophy that there’s no information that can’t be processed effectively and enthusiastically in a list. I love lists. If I one day write my memoir, it could very well be a collection of lists, carefully ordered and poetically detailed. I’m not sure what in me responds to lists, but I know it’s there, and, as a result, one of my end-of-year traditions is a list of all the stuff that was good and/or notable in life over the past year.

For the sake of completeness, here’s my list from 2012, 2013 and 2014.

And here’s the rundown of 2015:

2015 was a year of processing, letting go and restarting all the things I thought I had already processed, let go of and restarted the year before. Turns out those things take time. But I came out on the other side eventually. I settled into my own skin. I got comfortable in my life. I started to set goals that weren’t just “get past something bad and/or difficult.” It was a nice change, and it has laid a promising foundation for the new year.

I hope your list is equally interesting and revealing, or at least instructional. And I hope a new adventure finds you, even if it’s not the adventure you expect.

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